Meet the team of Cool Convoys!
Founder | Coolieboy
Hey! I'm Coolieboy#9052, and I'm the founder of Cool Convoys. I also manage this website. I have been playing ETS2 since 2016 and I still enjoy it a lot! I wanted to start an awesome community. And no, not a VTC, a convoy hosting community. Since late 2021 I've also been in the TruckersMP Event Team, which has made me even more enthusiastic for events. I'm always open for a chat so feel free to have a talk with me on Discord. Or even better, I hope to see you in-game!
Manager | Purrie
Hello! My name is Pascal aka Purrie. I've been playing truck simulation games since 18 Wheels of Steel so a long time ago.
SInce 2017 I am hooked on TruckersMP and driving and organizing convoys. You can find me pretty much every day online driving so maybe we'll meet on the TruckersMP roads!
Convoy Control | Remko
Hey! My name is Remko and since the COVID-19 Pandamic I started to play more games. I really enjoy playing simulation games. Euro Truck Simulator 2 is one of my favourites. I especially like the multiplayer adition and driving in convoys. I hope to join a VTC in the near future.
I met the founder via Twitch. Together we started this community. I really hope you will enjoy your time with us! See you on the roads!
Developer | Tonisko
Convoy Control | Greywolf_gts2k5
Convoy Control | Reggie
Convoy Control | Berechtigter
Convoy Control | Infoblock